Pre-Gaming. Or not. Well...

I’m doing that thing that I do when I have a gig to play but can’t justify leaving for it yet. Which is to say I’m wandering around my house halfway thinking about getting dressed or learning a new song for the show but knowing all the while that I’m not going to do either because: (1) It’s to early to get dressed and (2) I don’t have time to learn a new song. So I am doing something that I hardly ever do. Something. That something being posting a blog to give anyone that cares a glimpse into how convoluted my head gets when I have something to do, just not yet. It’s a feeling I’m positive is universal. That tiny 5 minute window you give yourself before you start doing something that you don’t really feel like doing because you figure “Eh, I can spare 5 more minutes.” Not to say that I don’t want to go to my gig, I love playing music. I’m just saying I don’t feel like doing anything at all before I have to leave for it. So it’s kind of a large scale procrastination. Which is much worse than your run of the mill procrastination because I’m putting off doing things that could be really fun. For instance, today I could have gone surfing, gone to the gym, played tennis, drank beer and floated in the pool, etc. But I did none of those things because I have a gig to play tonight. Despite the fact there there was literally an 8 hour window of free time. I did wash the dishes, mind you, but that took 30 minutes. The rest of the time was spent thinking of cool things to do without being able to decide what to do. It’s an incidious kind of laziness, really. Definitely something I need to work on. It’s the kind of lazy that turns capable people into couch barnacles (not me, I’m sitting on the floor). Fortunately writing this blog is helping shake my brain out of the mush it turns into when I loaf around the house instead of skipping merrily in the beach sand (which is only a mile or two away). So I think I’ve reached a conclusion, or treatment you might say. When I find myself staring into space while drifting whimsically from thought to thought, I’ll write a blog. This should be everyday considering I spend a large portion of my existence in a daydream conjured haze. In my current frame of mind it seems like just the kind of substance free self medication that I could get on board with. And the best part is I don’t have to condense what’s on my mind into 140 characters. Which I’m certain is just as detrimental to getting to know yourself as it is great for practicing brevity. Maybe it will help me improve my “doing something” to “farting around” ratio. The golden ratio. Great, I’m glad we’ve sorted that out. Time for a shower.

It’s working already!


This was reposted from with a bit of delay. I re-read it and it made me smile so I thought I’d share : )

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